25 Days of Serverless – Day 15

Extending on the Azure Cognitive Services from day 5’s challenge to encompass Computer Vision, Day 15’s challenge is to take a given image and return a description of the image and keywords to describe object(s) in the image.

Constructing a Solution

In this case, I’m assuming an incoming image URL for assistive analysis – where an image description and keywords will be returned. For this, I’ve created an object/class with those 3 attributes as well as a constructor to create the object with the incoming image URL.

class ImageInfo {
    public imgUrl: string;
    public description: string;
    public keywords: [string];

    constructor(imgUrl:string) {
        this.imgUrl = imgUrl;

This ImageInfo object is one of the parameters for a utility function that accesses the Azure Computer Vision API via a POST request. The REST request is called using request-promise-native.

The request parameter for visualFeatures accepts multiple comma-separated options – for this example, I’d like Objects and Descriptions. Before exiting, the function sets the ImageInfo object attributes for the description and keywords.

async function imageDetection(language_endpoint: string, subscription_key: string, imageInfo: ImageInfo) {

    const params = {
        'visualFeatures': 'Objects,Description',
        'details': '',
        'language': 'en'

    var options = {
        uri: language_endpoint,
        qs: params,
        body: '{"url": ' + '"' + imageInfo.imgUrl + '"}',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' : subscription_key

    var imgResult = await rpn.post(options);
    imageInfo.description = JSON.parse(imgResult).description.captions[0].text;
    imageInfo.keywords = JSON.parse(imgResult).description.tags;


Wrap the imageDetection() function up with some housekeeping:

  • accessing environment variables for the subscription key and endpoint URL
  • pull the image URL from the calling request’s body
  • wrap the imageDetection() function in a try…catch to allow returning either the completed ImageInfo object or an error message to the requestor

Complete Solution


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