T-SQL Tuesday #111
T-SQL Tuesday #108: Non SQL Server Technologies

Pick one thing you want to learn that is not SQL Server. Write down ways and means to learn it and add it as another skill to your resume. If you are already learning it or know it – explain how you got there and how it has helped you. Your experience may help many others looking for guidance on this.
In my day job, one of my hats is systems architect and integrator. One of those systems is a traditional on-premises ERP, while others are web applications and native mobile applications. We’re a small team, but we make an honest effort to perform scalable and repeatable development practices. The next improvement we’re making is a move towards **continuous deployment (CD). **As a team lead, I don’t enforce process changes with unknown consequences, so the CD shift requires me to get my feet wet with NodeJS.
Paste the Plan Azure Data Studio extension
Building a Color Theme for Azure Data Studio
I can be very particular about the strangest things, and when I picked up Azure Data Studio (pka SQL Operations Studio) I immediately noticed that the syntax coloring wasn’t quite what I wanted. Since Azure Data Studio has VS Code under the hood, you can install any theme you find on the VS Code marketplace into Azure Data Studio. The trouble with those themes is that they aren’t usually focused on TSQL syntax.
SQL Saturday #796 – Minnesota 2018
I previously wrote about writing an extension for Azure Data Studio based on my experiences creating the First Responder Kit extension. Since that post I had the opportunity to present on the topic at SQL Saturday in St.Paul, MN on October 6th, 2018. I had a great time at SQL Saturday and more importantly, my demo worked!
August 2018 SQL Operations Studio Release Blog
BI360 Disable All Drilldowns in Report
This post is going to assume you are familiar with the .xlsx/.zip conversion that was used in a previous post on BI360.
I have a report that I would like to distribute the summary information without any drill-to capabilities. After triple checking all of the report options, I came to the conclusion that I would have to edit each individual cell and uncheck the “use default drilldown” option in the layout editor under drill-to. That felt unsatisfactory, so I found another way to disable all drilldowns in a BI360 report.
BI360 Multiple Drill-To Setup
Solver Global’s flagship reporting tool, BI360 Report Designer has several strong features and enables many businesses to create financial and operational reports. Unfortunately, one of the limitations of the report designer (v4.6 at this time) is that creating custom drill-down views is extremely repetitive. There isn’t a built-in copy function for the drill-to definitions, which would be especially handy for reports where the row filters deviate just slightly (such as a P&L statement).
Earlier today I needed to create a ton of nearly identical drill-to definitions in BI360 report designer (~40) for a single report and cut a corner using the XML definitions inside the Excel file. This isn’t as user-friendly as the Excel report designer interface, but it saved me about 3-7 minutes per drill-to definition.
Building an Extension for SQL Operations Studio
If you’re not familiar with SQL Operations Studio – here’s my quick take on the application: it’s a cross-platform open-source data platform tool built by Microsoft on the groundwork of VS Code. Current functionality is a fundamental and can be extended or customized to fit your required toolset through available APIs and an extension marketplace.
I LOVE extensibility. Especially for small/medium businesses, extensibility of software can extend the usefulness of software to the business in both impact and longevity. Here’s how you can take the reins and get started creating extensions for SQL Ops Studio.
Protecting Productivity – An Azure Logic App that Monitors Your Calendar
A Bad Day – QNAP NAS Device RAID Volume Suddenly Gone
I’m going to talk about a bad day. It could have been a very very bad day, but it wasn’t.
Around 3am, one of our main storage devices restarted and when it booted - BAM “Pool 1 RAID Group 1 is inactive.” Excuse me? The drives are in RAID 10 and hadn’t reported any faults until this moment. Granted, this particular model of QNAP device, the QNAP TS-879U-RP, has caused us significant heartache in the past.